Saturday, January 3, 2009

Assisted Living

Happy New Year!

No, I didn't forget about my blog or anything. I was just having too much fun goofing off to write anything the entire month of December. But now I'm coming down from my holiday high, even though I don't go back to work until the 12th. I have this week off and a wedding next Saturday and then it's back to the grind. However, it won't be as much of a grind as I found out a few days ago.
I am getting more responsibility at work and along with that responsibility comes...well, a lot but the main thing is an assistant. Yes, my very own assistant for myself only. I was more than a little stunned when I found out because I'm not really the 'I have an assistant' type of guy, you know? I like doing things for myself and I don't like telling other people what to do. Yeah, I work a lot and sometimes things don't get done exactly on time but I'd rather not outsource my work. I actually love my job. But this is, as I was told, not an option. It comes with the position and so I just have to suck it up. I was offered the chance to pick my own assistant but that would just be awkward and this is gonna be interesting enough.
We met yesterday and it did nothing to calm my nerves about the situation. She's a nice lady, in her late-40's and she's been around the industry for awhile so she knows what she's doing. But I don't know about telling someone who would technically be considered one of my elders what to do. The whole thing makes me uncomfortable. So I guess we'll see how well this works out, along with the increased responsibility, travel, etc.
On another note, one more of my ex-girlfriends is about to get married. And I don't feel a thing about it really. I have no real opinion of the guy, we've never really talked at length before, but she's happy and I'm happy for her. I'm invited to the aforementioned wedding this weekend and I'm just a little apprehensive about it because another ex is also on the guest list. We dated a little while back and she has a son who is just adorable but she went...well, a little fatal attraction on me near the end there and that's when I called it quits. Even that didn't stop her, the calls lingered for a month or so. I don't wanna run into her but I do wanna go to the wedding so I'm on the fence. We'll see how it goes.