Thursday, December 10, 2009

The Countdown Is On...

My newest niece is due in exactly 19 days but I don't think it's going to take her that long to arrive. About a week ago my sister-in-law thought she was going into labor so the whole house is awake at 3 a.m. to sit around and wait until she was sure that she was actually in labor. She wasn't so everyone went back to bed. Three nights ago, same thing happened but at 10 p.m. Last night she thought she was in labor during 'The Biggest Loser' finale and swore that she'd have that baby in the living room if this was the real thing. Fortunately for my living room carpet, it was another false alarm. So here we sit still waiting and now more convinced than ever that she's gonna be here before Christmas, which would thrill my mom to no end. My mom has been saying since Thanksgiving that the baby is gonna be here well before her due date. I didn't think so at the time because how often does something happen on time or early when you're completely prepared for it? One would assume that since the nursery is done and we're stocked up on all things baby that she would take her sweet time actually getting here. Although I guess we're not all ready. I just started sleeping well again about a month ago and now that'll be a thing of the past. Should make for an interesting Christmas.