Monday, August 30, 2010

Terrible Twos and Twentys

Today, my 2 year old daughter took her first dramatic spill. I was fixing the door in my bedroom and she found her way into the empty end of the closet and started hanging off of the metal bar inside. Then it gave way and she tumbled down, cutting her leg on my guitar. Not an ER-worthy gash but a decent one. It was the first time that she hasn't listened to me when I told her to stop doing something. Lately she seems to think I have none of the answers. She doesn't wanna go to be when I say, she doesn't wanna play with a toy if I suggest it. Though it's not just me she's against, it's also her mom. Ladies and gentleman, I fear we have entered the terrible twos.
I don't recall much about my own terrible twos phase but my mom had three of us that were essentially the same age and I think that had to be all kinds of fun. Even better, in a year I'll likely be doing the terrible twos thing again with my niece. Fun times, indeed. I'm starting to realize that people who have kids back to back are, well, crazy. It's A LOT of work. But the payoff is pretty great.
In other news, my teenager is no longer a teenager. She turned 20, TWENTY, last week. Wow. Hard to believe our journey is nearing an end, in terms of our living arrangement. She's now a junior in college and it's insane to think that I had a hand in who she is now. She's mature. She's beautiful and she's so smart. And I am very blessed to be a part of her life. And I now realize I will be an old man when my daughter is 20. But I'm not gonna think about that now.