Thursday, August 25, 2016


They say you find out who your friends are when a crisis emerges. I believe that's true. But you also find out just how much you're loved when ish hits the fan. I've spent the better part of August dealing with a health crisis of sorts and I can't tell you how much my loved ones have helped me through it. The BFF's have been their wonderful selves, as have MOC and Gio. The rest of my family have also been super invested in every doctor visit and (mofo painful) test. I've been offered the organs, bone marrow and blood of dozens of people in the last few weeks. Fortunately, I don't need any of it (right now, ya'll better reserve that ish just in case though). I'm on the mend and, though the symptoms looked mighty suspicious for a minute, I have been given the all clear by the docs. The last few weeks seem like a whirlwind though. The illness came on quite suddenly and what I thought would be a quick doctor visit evolved into a week-long odyssey of doctor's offices and tests. I honestly didn't think it was anything serious, but better safe than sorry. All of this has had one good side effect though. It's reminded me how blessed I am to finally have the right people in my life. I'm very lucky to have an amazing family and friends who are like family to get me through the whole thing. And there was an odd sort of comfort in that during the uncertain times. Whatever the outcome, I knew I would have these people to support me. Thank ya'll for being fantastic.