Monday, May 8, 2017

Til The Whole Thing Burns Like You Earned The Flame

It is sad you should not talk religion or politics with certain people, like co-workers or clients or even friends, sometimes. For the most part, I agree with and follow this rule. One reason is because I'm not a huge political person and find politics to be extremely boring. I'm informed about the issues and repercussions of things, but I don't find politics to be like a sport, as some people do. Unfortunately, the way the world is now has everybody reading up on politics on a daily basis because it's become such a freak show. Every single day there's a new story about what the Idiot is trying to take away from somebody. The continual push to change a supposedly "collapsing" health care system is becoming a pain in the ass and had me all riled up going into the weekend. I have a client who didn't need anything done for the longest time, we last spoke probably a little over a year ago. He gave me a heads up about it before dropping off and said he'd call in the future with more work. Although he is the religious type, and one who seeks to convert others, I followed him on a certain social media platform because I did genuinely like the guy (aside from the holier than thou ish). Eventually, his wife and I also followed one another and my spidey senses began tingling up a storm when she posted something about being confused as to why people were upset about sanctuary cities being shut down. The way she worded it made it difficult to decipher whether she was genuinely confused because she was out of the country and hadn't had time to fully read up on the story, or if she was supportive of the move. I side eyed the hell out of that post and, about a week later, decided it was highly likely she was a supporter of the Idiot. I quietly unfollowed her. Soon after, the husband posted something that alluded to him also supporting you know who and I also unfollowed him. Of course I knew prior to his post that he was likely on the same page as his wife, his post simply confirmed it.
Two weeks ago, this client contacted me about doing some more work for him and I said I'd have to check my schedule, which was true. Last month's events knocked me off track a bit and I've been just recently feeling like I'm catching up and getting back to a new version of my old self (you're never the same, yo, but you do gotta move on). In the madness, I forgot to call him back and he left another voicemail Saturday night. I told him I couldn't participate in his project and wished him well and he reacted as if he knew there was more to it than me being too busy, but didn't say anything and I chose not to elaborate on my reasons. It is true that I have too much on my plate right now, but I'm also a little, "Nah, son" about it due to his political views. I'm glad I have too much on my plate and can't do ish for him. Out of curiosity, I visited his social media page last night and checked out who he follows and the Idiot and his wife were near the top of the list. I wasn't surprised, but I was disappointed. Some of this dude's best friends are people of color, as is his son's best friend. I know some people of color supported the Idiot, but I also happen to know for a fact that many of his friends  o' color did not. How exactly do you maintain the same level of friendship when you know that this person cast a vote for someone who views you as a lesser person because of your skin color? And how do you go and cast that vote when you know it will make life harder for your friends? I don't get it. I also view his wife's initial post in a new light, that of somebody who knows exactly what the score is but is testing the waters to see who's with them and who is not. She was in no way "confused", and I've noticed this same behavior with a lot of Idiot supporters. They act like they didn't know their vote would bring about what's now happening. If you voted for him, whether you agree with what he's doing now or not, own that shit. Because he is many things; a liar, a racist, a wannabe dictator, but the one thing he has lived up to is the promise of bringing a healthy dose of sociopathy to the White House. Everybody saw his tendencies and how unstable he was well in advance of the election and ya'll elected him anyway, so don't act surprised by every extreme move he makes. You wanted it, you got it. Own it.

Friday, May 5, 2017

Cinco de Hostago

G: Happy Cinco de Mayo! And Happy Fourth de Mayo since I missed it.
Me: Oh, I don't really care for the Star Wars.
G: lol When I walked in yesterday, you were wearing a "The Star Wars" shirt, doing a Star Wars puzzle while watching Star Wars.
Me: LOL. That shirt was my brother's, the puzzle was the kid's and the idea to watch the movie was Y's. For all you know, you stumbled upon a weird ass hostage sit'iation.
G: LOL. That'd be believable if you weren't quoting the movie.
Me: That...uh...that was a dummy. Yeah, that's it.
G: Oh, there was a dummy there alright
Me: lol And how.