Thursday, December 21, 2017

One For You, Nineteen For Me

"If you drive a car, I'll tax the street
If you try to sit, I'll tax your seat
If you get too cold I'll tax the heat
If you take a walk, I'll tax your feet"

A few years ago when the Idiot was first starting to gain steam for a Presidential run, I was discussing the absurdity of it all with an acquaintance. I thought we were both in agreement that it would be the worst thing if he actually won. But then after a brief moment of silence, she said, "But it would be good because he could balance the budget and stuff...because he's a successful businessman.". I thought back to that comment the night he won and realized that's how he won. On illusion. The reality is he's filed for bankruptcy multiple times, is not nearly as rich as he claims, is a misogynist and repeat abuser of women, is a racist and only got the riches he does have by screwing over other people. I'm surprised by how many educated people fell for the facade, all because they could not let go of the Clinton e-mail thing. Somehow, they believed living in a dictatorship was a better alternative to building a bridge and getting over deleted e-mails. And ya'll got your wish now. He's banning words, he's telling the science community they cannot be truthful about what's happening to the planet, he's taking healthcare from millions of children who desperately need it. And now he's taking your money, too.
I am no math wiz, but even I know you don't tackle debt by allowing the richest people in the country to pay less money than they already do. It's common sense that tax increases across the board are what come with a Republican President. And this tax bill is pretty much that for anyone who doesn't make a lot of money. It's being dressed up as, "Average Joe gets X amount of extra money next year!". But after that, it steadily takes more and more money from Average Joe. You know who it doesn't take more money from? Rich Joe. Corporations. Basically, the people who can actually afford to have some money taken away. Many of the people on the short end of the stick will be under-educated people who voted for the Idiot in the first place. And still, STILL, these people are supporting the bill and defending him. As are some educated folks who are also losers in this bill. I'm of the mind that there were many people who voted for this jackass because they were uninformed or curious about what would happen if he won, or held grudges over the e-mail issue that they couldn't get past. Many that voted for those reasons have expressed regret. Those people, I can forgive. But if you still are a supporter of this man, you have serious mental (not to mention moral) issues. I loathe those that are still Idiot supporters, just as much as I loathe him and all his cronies slowly taking away our freedoms, one at a time. I have zero respect for anyone who defends him, even halfheartedly. But sure, he'll be great at balancing the budget and stuff.