Tuesday, October 13, 2020

Watch How The Scum, It Rises To The Top, Don't You Wonder When It's All Going To Stop

Soooo.... Long time, no blog. Ironically enough, I started publishing less because life had finally stabilized. Then came the pandemic. And now there's enough chaos in the world to blog every damn day. Where to start? It's been...challenging living in a world that I no longer understand. A world that becomes increasingly unstable with every new infection, every political ad, every incoherent Idiot tweet. I looked back at some of my blog posts from the last Presidential election cycle and I could copy and paste most of what is in those posts and apply it to the 2020 election. Except now it would not be about what a world of hurt we could be in for if the Idiot wins. It would instead be about what a world of hurt we've brought on ourselves the past four years by electing him. Still, I don't think anyone could've predicted it would become this terrible. The corruption, the abuses of power were totally expected. The lies were a given. But a pandemic in which the so-called Commander-in-Chief proclaims it no big deal and calls himself invincible? Well, that was an unwelcome curveball.
Four years ago, I remember settling in to watch the results of the election with friends and family. We were all a bit nervous but I don't think many of us had a lot of doubt that Hilary would beat the wanna-be dictator. Early on election night, I had the worst feeling in my stomach for just a moment. It was after some random state had been called for the Idiot and somehow I just knew. I knew he was going win and there wasn't a damn thing that would be done about it. The rest of that night, and the next month, really, were just surreal. The kind of stuff you see on TV, not the kind of stuff you want to live in reality. The past four years have truly been nightmare years for America, both on home soil and for the perception of our country abroad. Once revered for the "American Dream," America is now looked at as a bunch of fucking idiots for electing the Devil himself to run the country into the ground. The horrors of this illegitimate Presidency are many; putting kids in cages, forcing hysterectomies on women, trying to take healthcare away from Americans with no plan to replace it, 215,000 lives lost and counting. The list goes on and on. And it all traces back to one coward who sold himself on, "draining the swamp" and instead has proven to be the scum on top we all knew he was. And on and on it goes, unchecked. Nothing is a surprise anymore. Not that he's broke. Not that he's owned by Russia. Not that he (allegedly) had Covid-19. Not that he's selling himself as a miracle after (allegedly) beating Covid-19. The news cycle went from his impeachment, to his taxes, to his poor debate, to his illness, to his recovery, to his irresponsible campaigning. I'd bet there will be 30 more controversies just between now and November 3rd, each one as unsurprising as the last.
Four years ago when there were rumblings about Joe Biden running for President, I said I couldn't in good conscience vote for him. Joe always struck me as a fun uncle, but maybe not someone who should be running a country. However, there's no other alternative this time around and I do believe he truly wants to fix the mess we're in now. I can't imagine working in public service all your life, serving your country in the second highest office in the land, only to watch someone with no experience, no empathy and no respect for the military come to power. I received my ballot a few days ago and was furious to see how many candidates are running for President. In such an important election, I have zero respect for anyone running who knows damn well they aren't anywhere close to winning. You're running only to divide the vote. That is handing a vote to the Idiot, regardless of what you tell yourself. We saw what happened when the circus decides to throw its hat into the ring and enter a Presidential election and we got what we deserved for voting for that clown. But here were are, a nation even more divided than we were to begin with. A division that will only grow, most likely violently, if the Idiot is re-elected. 
This time around, I'm not counting on anything when it comes to the election. Polls show Biden way ahead, and that's great news. But polls showed that for Hilary four years ago. It is the secret Idiot voters, the ones who are not as vocal about their support. It is the people of color who will secretly vote for him, despite the fact he has no problem getting them killed, be it due to police violence or a pandemic where they are among the most vulnerable groups. One thing I've learned the last four years is that you really cannot reason with Idiot supporters. They pick one issue important to them; abortion for the religious, no gun control for middle America, and they ignore anything he does that they don't agree with. Sure, he put kids in cages but that was only because he couldn't find their moms and dads. Sure, he's having rallies after having Covid, but the pandemic is a Leftist ploy anyway. Sure, he said all Mexicans were rapists, but he didn't mean you (I can't tell you how many times I've heard that last one). The very promise that one thing these people don't like might be outlawed or not outlawed completely overrides their common sense. Or maybe they didn't have common sense to begin with. It's the same with all the Republicans who vowed not to follow him, who called his election illegitimate, only to fall in line and follow their leader through all the bullshit. There are so many people who deserve a share of this blame for running the country into the ground. Power corrupts and it's done a hell of a job the last four years, both on politicians and voters. I lost my patience with Idiot voters long ago and I have zero respect for anyone voting for him. I don't care what their reasons are. He is a racist. He is on the path to dictatorship if he isn't stopped now. If you vote for a racist, you are racist, period.
I am hopeful that Biden/Harris will win this election. There is nothing I want more right now. But there's always that chance they don't and the thought of that is crippling. This pandemic continuing to go unchecked will become even more unbearable to live with. The Idiot will see a re-election as a validation that he can do whatever he wants and never have to pay for it. A Biden/Harris win will, hopefully, see his ass thrown in jail for any of the crimes he's committed. And that's the kicker. The people who worship him and continue to support him do not see that everything he does comes from fear, not leadership. He wouldn't allow his tax returns out because he was afraid he'd be exposed as the broke con man that he is. He wouldn't get ahead of Covid-19 because he didn't know how, because he is not a leader. He wouldn't stay in the hospital while sick because he didn't want to appear weak, even though that's how he's viewed by those not bathing in his Kool-Aid. He says he won't accept the results of the election if they don't favor him because he's afraid of what being out of office will mean for him (jail, etc). He's out holding rallies while diseased because it's a last ditch effort to try and win people over, he's afraid he's already lost the election. His followers call anyone who doesn't follow him sheep and leftists and fake news, but they've hitched their wagon to the fakest fuck in the history of the world. Hell, even the Nazis knew when it was time to ditch Hitler and save their own skin. This blind adulation of the Idiot is something I hope we never see again. I am hopeful this election will go the right way. But I am preparing just in case the horrors continue.