Friday, November 26, 2010


Taken from an ex-g/f's blog. She's newly single and trying to pinpoint her problems and naming names:

"gorgeous, fun, goofy, smart, great story teller, very supportive and understanding, great communicator, mysterious, did I mention fine as hell. Just a beautiful man all around and charming beyond belief. I remember the day we met, he was still just a teenager and I was into my 20's but we didn't truly connect until years later. Our first date was something out of a movie and so was every other first after that. He was a diehard romantic who could get ANYTHING out of anybody when he turned on the charm. He made me laugh and he made me think. He made me feel like I was the only woman in the world when he looked at me with those amazing green eyes. Sounds awesome so far right? Except for one minor detail about his extracurricular activities when we were apart. He didn't cheat on me but he was locked in a battle with his demons and mourning the loss of the probable love of his life. I did fall for him - HARD - and I'm not sure if he just wouldn't let himself go there or if he wasn't in love with me but it ended a few times. I always took him back, believing he was trying to change, hoping I could let him know that he didn't need to be fixed or saved and he did make more of an effort each time I took him back. But he also kept on with his bad habits. We lingered physically for awhile cuz the sex was just too damn good to give up. We flirted with one more try once he started to get a handle on things but I just couldn't do it. We're still friends and I've finally been able to put my feelings for him away. He's grown so much since then that our thing feels so long ago. Sad thing for me is that putting aside his other activities, he probably treated me better than any other guy I dated."