Wednesday, February 18, 2009

If it ain't broke then break it

Have you ever had one of those people in your life who can take anything that's going well in your life and make you feel bad about it? I had someone close to me who used to do just that and I'm not sure she even knew it. I would call her every week just to talk and catch up and a good amount of the time I would hang up the phone feeling much less excited about what I had going for me in my life than when I'd dialed the numbers. Sometimes I would call with great news and hang up feeling completely demoralized. She just had a way of making me feel like whatever I was doing, it wasn't enough. So eventually I stopped calling altogether. And I felt bad about that but I didn't know what else to do. She passed away before I could ever tell her why I wasn't calling as much and it was a blessing in disguise I guess. I never expected her to be gone but her passing was a wake up call and it got me back on track.
My girlfriend has someone like that in her life. Or, rather, she did have someone like that in her life, she broke it off this morning. This person has been a part of her life since she was born and there has been trouble in the past but nothing major. Then we started dating and it was clear that this person did not like me. This person had a major cow when she found out we were expecting a child together. She doesn't know me, she's barely given me a chance and yet, so far, she's accused me of being an abuser and lacking the capabilities to truly love someone. Obviously, this has put some strain on my relationship with my girlfriend. I never really thought of it much because this person lives across the country and we don't see them much anyway so it was easy to ignore. Yesterday was supposed to be a big day for my girlfriend, career-wise. It's something that she's been waiting for her entire life and we were both so excited. Then this person showed up unannounced to be a part of this event and I thought she would just blow through and there would be little drama. I mean, if you love someone the last thing you wanna do is screw up a big moment in their life, right? Wrong.
The actual event went off without a major hitch, other than the occasional complaint about some of the decisions made about how the event was planned and the food, etc. I had to leave right after for a work function, so the two of them were on their own for the drive home. That's when the claws apparently came out and this person got on my girlfriend about her life decisions the past year and a half and essentially told her she didn't know what she was doing and that she should leave me. As you may expect, this did not go over well with the girlfriend. A loud argument ensued and I came home to find my girlfriend pretty pissed off and, even worse than that, hurt in a way I've never seen before. We didn't talk for a few hours, I knew she'd say something when she was ready. And it was a rough night from there. She loves this person, they're family, but I think she just reached her breaking point and she knew it. And it absolutely kills me that I can't do anything to fix this. I had my own confrontation this morning with this person and I just can't believe anyone could be that cold to someone they supposedly love. And it bothers me that I feel...I don't know, in some way partly responsible for my girlfriend having to cut this person out of her life. But I think at some point it would've come to this anyway, even without me. Doesn't make me feel any better. And I hope this...break up between them doesn't last forever. I may not like this person but at the end of the day I just want my girlfriend to be happy and to have the people she wants in her life. And for those people to not piss her off for no reason and try to force their ways on her.