Monday, April 5, 2010

I Am Not Good At This...

It has occurred to me that I have completely wasted this blogging thing lately. Usually, inspiration would strike and I would come on and post. But recently I've completely forgotten about it. Now I've decided to try and start posting with some regularity and see what happens. So let's get on to the business, shall we?

1) My daughter is gonna be TWO in a few days and I couldn't be happier. But I am still not thinking I'm gonna have more.

2) The baby continues to thrive under difficult family conditions. Her parents separated about a month ago and dad is now in the midst of the season so maybe the time apart will do some good. He's still yet to make (in my opinion) enough effort to be there for kids, leaving me to pick up the slack. That's been fun and exhausting but I wouldn't trade the experience.

3) I'm am being...I guess you'd say laid off from my job beginning next week. I'm sad because I love it but excited to see what's around the corner. We'll see how it goes.

4) Last November, the family of my deceased girlfriend filed a lawsuit against me in an effort to gain control of some of the things she left me in her will. Last week it finally came to an abrupt and completely unexpected conclusion that I've had time to think about and will, very soon, put down, I guess.

5) On a related note, April is never a good month for me because it marks the anniversary of her (see above) passing. Typically I cannot wait for this month to be over with, my birthday, my girl's birthday and all. But, so far, I've been surprisingly upbeat about what's coming. Not sure if that will continue but we shall see.