Thursday, January 10, 2019

Land of Illusion

I did not watch the Idiot's speech earlier this week, but saw the cliffnotes after the fact. I perused Twitter to see reactions and was...not surprised, but dismayed. There were plenty of people calling a spade a spade and pointing out his lies, that the speech was a televised tantrum and accomplished nothing. But for every one of those posts, there were two or three congratulating the Idiot on a great speech and hashtagging that we should build the wall. These same people responded to the sane ones with their delusions about how much danger lurks at the border and how many people are dying. None of these Idiot supporters cared when children were put in cages and died there. None of them really seems to care about the government shutdown. It's tunnel vision over the wall. And it's really becoming apparent just how racist and stupid some people in this country are.
I said shortly after the election that I was giving some leeway to people who had voted for the Idiot, but were upset that he won. I still believed these people were dumb; "I didn't think he would win/I just didn't wanna vote for her" aren't exactly great excuses and illustrate the way voters don't take their votes seriously. But if you realized your mistake now that the world was being penciled in to end, I got that. However, after only a few months of his shenanigans and racist/sexist/anti-anybody-who-isn't-white rhetoric, I changed my opinion. Anyone who still supported him after that was as bad as he is. They were as racist as he is. I don't care if you have family or friends who are people of color and think you aren't racist because of that. How do you have those people in your life, who you clearly deem to be worthy of love and friendship, yet support somebody who thinks they are less than human? I've never been able to reconcile how these people do that. And less than a year into this circus of an administration, I hit my limit. I unfriended people who defended him, or themselves for defending him. I had nothing left for that negativity and stupidity. All of that was bad enough. But now we've come to the point of a blatant, outright lie, that the sane among us knew was a lie all along, of The Wall. This fucker has shut down the government, left families without basic living expenses, over something that is not needed and would not do a damn thing to stop illegal immigration. He has been offered chances to get security money, sans wall, and reopen the government. Any decent president makes deals in this situation, they don't throw temper tantrums. The problem is he has nothing to offer the other side. He's been told opening the government won't get him a wall, keeping it shut down won't get him a wall, yet he chooses to continue the shutdown. And it all goes back to his hateful promise that he would get Mexico to fund a wall. That's what got him elected by similar small-minded sheep who didn't do their research and blindly believed his BS. And he apparently believes if it's not in the process of being built by 2020, he won't get re-elected.
This is not how adults function. Adults do not sit in their office and refuse to move until they get what they want. Adults don't plug their ears to block out their opponents point of view. The Idiot is not an adult. He's a child doing a very poor job of masquerading as a president. Actual children can be reasoned with, he cannot. Hell, if we even survive the next two years, it will be a miracle. The Idiot has always been out for only one person - himself. He wants what he wants and surrounded himself with yes people his entire life. The problem is that's not how the government works. It is not a system that revolves around him, and that's why it's been such a problem for him. And clearly what's a problem for our country, besides him, is racism. Undercover racists love to say that racism can't exist anymore because of Obama or because of civil rights (which the Idiot also wants to roll back, btw), but we know that's not true. Every four years we hear about the family life, the past, the religion, the qualifications of presidential candidates. People were desperate to dig something up on Obama so he could not run for office. What did we hear about the Idiot? He's a misogynist who likely sexually assaulted women, he has no religion, he has no qualifications, he dodged military service and has been married multiple times. He refuses to give up tax returns, likely because they'll show he's not as rich or business minded as he claims to be. Obama walked through fire, released everything required and then some during his election campaign. People with nothing to hide, who aren't snake oil salesmen, hide nothing. This spiteful, stupid Idiot suckered a lot of stupid people and we're all paying for it. And it really is cult-like, the way his followers defend every single move as if it's right. I didn't always agree with Obama, who I voted for both times, and I didn't strike out on the interwebs to defend his every action just because he was our first minority president. Yet Idiot supporters seem to go all in defending his lies just because he's as racist and hateful as they are.
There's a woman on "90 Day Fiance" from Indonesia with a shady ass past. She's unpleasant, reluctant mother of a young son who expects her American husband to ditch his own family and solely focus on raising her kid. Because he's an Idiot, he's doing just that. She claims to be a doctor, lawyer, beauty queen, mess of other professions. She posts on her social media photos of her holding up random products, as if she's an ambassador for the brand. In reality, none of these brands are paying her, she's just trying to bait them into "discovering" her so she can have her 15 minutes and, maybe, some free stuff. She posts about her "charity" organization that needs money to, "help people who need help". She uses Jewish last names because she believes they sound moneyed. She posts boudoir photos for all to see and claims her body is great and people are jealous of her life (and 2 points for body positivity here, I guess). She has Idiot syndrome. She lives in a land of illusion, the exact same way he does. And she gets far more hate than he does and all she's doing is trying for fame on a reality tv show. He's running the fucking country. They both think if they say something enough times, people will believe them and take it as gospel. How is it people accept that from a sex offender, but go all in on derailing the lies of a TV contestant? Ass backward thinking. And it has been an ass backward, long two years.