Friday, March 8, 2013

America Does Indeed Run On Dunkin'

Best. Story. EVER.

Aaaaaaaand the conversation it produced later. (To the best of my recollection.)

Me: Are you gonna use puppets?
Friend: No! I'm not gonna use stupid puppets!
Friend: Actually, that's quite brilliant. I wish I'd thought of that.
Friend: I'm gonna use that!
Me: No, you can't. I trademarked those puppets. If you wanna use them, you have to pay me money. ONE BILLION DOLLARS A PUPPET!!
Friend: Pssh, my attorney is gonna talk to you for a sec and tell you what's what
Me: LOL Your attorney is gonna talk for a sec? Are you like at a drive-thru law firm or what?
Friend: LOL Yes. I am at the law offices of KFC
Me: lol Unfortunately for you, America runs on Dunkin'. We don't accept your lawyers here.
Friend: LMAO!