Sunday, July 21, 2013

Majority Rules

Y: Was he cute? lol
A: Sweetie he wasn't your type
R: Yeah, he was able to legally drink
Y: lol Fuck you
Y: I don't even have a type
Me: ...
A: That's so cute that you think that hun
R: HA!
E: Um...okay...
G: Fine, I'll say it
G: Latin. Your type is Latin.
Y: It is not! I don't have a type. I'm open to all races and ethnicities
G: lol No. No you're not
G: Giuseppe, now that's a man who has had more colors than are in the Parade of Nations in and out of his bedroom. But not you
Me: LOL. That wasn't a compliment...but I shall take it as one
A: LOL Of course you do, whore
Y: <---does not have a type.
R: If you don't have a type then how come all five of your besties are Latin?
G: Yes, why is that? *leans in like Geraldo as he awaits the sure to be BS answer*
Me: LOL Preach!
A: OMG...I just thought of something...Y is our token white girl!
G: LMAO Now who's the minority!
Y: LMAO Oh my god I hadn't thought of that but you're right!
Me: Well, I don't know about ya'll, but I feel uncomfortable discussing racial issues now that there's a white girl here
G: LOL OMG I have soooooooo many questions to ask you about white people!
E: *Wanders through with popcorn while staring like it's a zoo*
Y: LOL Fuck you all!