Saturday, November 3, 2007

Memory Loss

You know that show on ABC called "Samantha Who?" It's about this chick who gets hit by a car and goes into a coma and then wakes up with major memory loss and goes about trying to figure out who she was before the accident. Turns out, she was not a nice person before she got nailed. I bring this all up because my girlfriend (just seeing how it sounds) is hooked on this show and I've started watching to sort of check for accuracy, I guess. My memory loss was not as severe as hers is on the show, but there are definite similarities. So far, it seems to be about right. Except it was a lot less comedic when I finally woke up.
When I came out of my coma, I remembered who I was and who the people in my life were. Most of what I lost is memories of the past. I lost a lot of my early childhood and some of my teen years. It's one of those things that you really don't appreciate until you lose it. Thankfully, I have a best friend who was there my entire life and has endless patience when it comes to reminding me of what I'm missing in my mind. But the last few months or so I've had these...flashbacks, I guess, for lack of a better word and I've been slowly getting back some of what I lost. Some of them are of things I've been reminded of the last five years by friends or family, except now I'm seeing them through my own eyes. Others are things that were completely wiped out when the crash happened that I'm remembering and confirming with the people in my life that they actually happened to me. lol Some of the things I've flashed back to have been from t.v. shows I saw when I was little. But most of them have been legitimate.
I never expected to gain any of my old memories though. I was told it may or may not happen and it could happen at anytime but there really was very little optimism in any of those words. So to have all of this coming back to me is a little odd. Typically, all of these flashbacks happen when I'm asleep, they're more like dreams that are actually real. But yesterday I had one right in the middle of the day, during a meeting, and I didn't have any choice but to pay attention to it. I don't know if I really want to remember certain things I've been getting back. If it were up to me I would be getting back the ability to recall short-term stuff rather than some of the older stuff. If only it worked that way...