Thursday, October 22, 2015

Thanks For The Memories, Even Though I Won't Remember Them

If you know me, you know I don't like to mountains out of the molehills that are my brain issues. Because of this, I shared the following events with only two people as they were happening. For months now, I've been having dizzy spells where everything goes dark and I feel like I'm gonna pass out. I rarely actually pass out, and the spells pass in a minute or so, but it's still fairly annoying. At first, I thought it was because I wasn't eating enough, but upping my calorie intake did nothing to stop the problem. Then, I noticed that these spells coincided with my memory issues seemingly getting worse, which is when I got concerned. I mentioned this to the doc during one of my blood tests (and btw, still in remission so that's awesome) and he was worried enough to order me to the endless abyss of brain scanning machines I always find my way into. A first scan showed two lesions on my brain that were not there before, adding more concern to the situation. Three more scans and two specialists later, I'm happy to say I'm in the all clear. Sort of. There are indeed two lesions rattling around up there, but they aren't causing any issues as of right now. The dizzy spells have become fewer as the last month has rolled by, so that's also good. But the whole brain business caused my doc to real talk me about the realities I may face down the line.
Thanks to the TBI, my risk of brain-related disorders is higher than most. During the trying weeks of tests, the doc made it very clear that MS and early onset Alzheimer's were high on the list of suspected issues. Fortunately, it turned out to be neither of those. But they're both real possibilities in the future, particularly the Alzheimer's. Because of this, my doctor wants me to start a couple of programs in an attempt to keep the mind young and try and ward off any future brain problems as best I can. And as you know, I am one to always do what I'm told (I know, I just laughed at that too). Or, should I say, the people who love me are staying on me to follow doctor's orders. I don't love the new routine, but I'm willing to do it because losing my mind for a second time (and for real) doesn't appeal to me. Thank you to all who have sent well wishes after hearing what happened and especially to those who went through it with me. Ya'll are more than I deserve.