Thursday, October 29, 2015

Woolly Bully

If it's one thing I'm known for, it's my inability to draw a damn thing beyond stick figures. But this was news to Miss N.

Miss N: Dad, can you show me how to draw a woolly mammoth for school?
Me: *Awkwardly draws an unfortunate looking...something*
Miss N: What is that?
Me: It's a woolly mammoth.
Miss N: It looks like a fat lady who fell down.
Me: That's not nice.
Miss N: Neither is your drawing.


Miss N is also apparently not a fan of dad's new look.

Miss N: Will you be a pirate for Halloween?
Me: A pirate? Why?
Miss N: You have a beard and you're dark.
Me: ...And?
Miss N: All the dark guys in movies that have beards are bad guys.
Me: I'm not gonna shave just because of that.
Miss N: Mom says you won't shave because of a mid-life crisis.
Me: Oh yeah? Go ask mom which of us is already past mid-life! Then laugh at her like the evil dark guys in your movies.
Miss N: What's mid-life?

It's funny how you get excited when they learn to speak and ish. And then they get the hang of speaking and mouth off.