Wednesday, November 4, 2015

Though The Sea May Be Strong, I Know We'll Carry On

Life over the last month has been pretty darn good for me. Whereas a past version of me would see my good fortune as the calm before the storm, the current version of me is full of optimism. It hasn't all been sunshine and roses, last week had some challenges that are still not fully resolved, but I've found myself super optimistic all the same. I couldn't figure out where that came from until this morning when I realized I've started to let the right people have an effect on me, rather than running back to the wrong ones who treat me like dirt. Getting BP out of my system took some doing, but I finally feel like my old self again. And that's a relief because part of me worried I'd never get that back. A friend suggested that the final piece of moving past BP may have been hearing she's not doing well, but I assured them that's not the case. No matter how terrible the fallout with someone, I don't take solace in their misfortune. I genuinely hoped BP would find a way to curb her workaholic tendencies, manage her life better and find someone to be happy with. Hearing that she's still living for someone else's dreams half a world away and hating life only made me sad for her. And I was past all her foolishness prior to hearing that anyway. I attribute the final nail in that coffin to someone else who came into my life last month. Their eternal optimism has rubbed off on me considerably and I've noticed I wake up happier and I do my best to maintain that feeling all day long. People are gonna do what they're gonna do, people will attempt to ruin your day with their mess. But that doesn't mean you have to let them.
Thanksgiving is in three weeks, and 2016 is a mere 8 weeks away. Next year will bring challenges, and I already know what some of them will be. I can't say I look forward to the challenges, but I am keeping a healthy dose o' optimism on tap about it all. It would be easy to dread every week that flies by and see each one as ticking down to uncertainty, but I don't feel that way. I have a good feeling about the next 8 weeks. And I look forward to seeing my family in three weeks (I say that now, we'll see how I feel the actual week of Thanksgiving), and to other new beginnings on the horizon. Things are uncertain, yes, but it also feels like everything is falling into place.