Thursday, November 5, 2015

You Better Watch Your Back Before She Turn Into A Killer

We were watching some show where an, ahem, older foreigner killed off her younger, American lover...

Me: He was 19 and she was 26. The similarities were eerie.
L: [Clearly not amused and possibly considering a murder of her own] I appreciate you knocking 15 years off your age, while only taking 10 off mine.
Me: Those were their ages! I can't mess with the script yo.
L: YOU could've been a gentleman and taken the 10 years and given me the 15. I'd be 21 and you'd be 24.
Me: But then I'd be the old one.
L: But at least you'd be alive.
Me: I am alive...[methinks on it for a minute]...oh...

I don't know why women always wanna kill me. I'm delightful.