Saturday, November 7, 2015

Don't Mess With My Man

Me: Gooooooing to the chapel and we're gonna get maaaaried.
Me: Gooooooing to the chapel and we're gonna get maaaaried.
Me: Gio really looooooves me and we're gonna get maaaaried!
MOC: LOL. Bitch. Trying to take my man.
Me: lol Hey, my daughter needs a father dammit!
MOC: Yes, she does need a father. Bc the one she has is an idiot 

Me: lol Indeed, he is.
MOC: At lunch yesterday, [an old friend] saw you guys and Miss N waiting for me and asked who ya'll were. I said you were Miss N's dad and Gio was my fiancé. She's like, "Damn girl, good for you! So baby daddy is single then?".

Me: LOL. You know, I feel so cheap when you flaunt me in public like that.
MOC: Ha, yeah I bet you wouldn't feel cheap if Gio was flaunting you like that.

Me: Oh hell no. I'd bring Polaroids and scrapbooks and ish to show people. 
MOC: LOL. Again - bitch.