Thursday, May 12, 2016

There Has Been An Awakening

It was 84 years ago (okay, more like ten) when Miss R and I first played "Lego Star Wars" on the Wii. The game was awesome, taking us through all 6 episodes of the "Star Wars" series, but we grew uninterested with it when certain parts of the game seemed too difficult. We put it down, only to pick it back up a few years ago on the Xbox 360, starting from scratch and getting about halfway through the game. Last week we finally did what was once the impossible - we got to 100% completion of the game. And it wasn't easy. And I didn't wanna do it, but once we got to about 80%, the kid exploited how much I adore her to get me to things I hated in order to finish the game. And apparently being a pushover for the little ladies is the way to the hearts of the older womensz:

Her: You're a good uncle
Me: Why? Because I let a teenage girl bully me? lol
Her: Yes. It's kinda sexy.

Me: Well stick around for eight more years when Miss N, Miss M and Miss L are all teenagers at the same time. I'ma be all kindsa sexy then.
Her: lol It's a deal.