Wednesday, May 4, 2016

Stupidity, Can You Handle It?

I decided to take a trip out to Nashville to meet the new little one of a friend (Okay, she bought the ticket, and hockey tickets and I didn't agree to go until she threw in the hockey tickets). Who knew getting off the plane would be such an empowering experience?

Me: *Throws open plane door* Nashville, can you handle this?
Me: *Turns around and sticks it out* Tennessee, can you handle this?
Me: *Drops it like it be hot* It's Giuseppe, can you handle this?
Me: I don't think ya'll can handle it!
Her: LMAO. That explains the collective, "Woooo!" I heard while I was parking.
Me: LOL. Yes. I bring the party wherever I go. Now come pick me up so I can bring the party to yo hood.
Her: #IDontThinkWeCanHandleIt
Her: None of my friends will ever be able to top the entrance you just made.
Me: *drops the mic as he's trying to get up from dropping it like it's hot*
Her: lol Why did I even invite you again?
Me: lol Because I'm here to meet Gene!
Her: Jake. My son's name is Jake.
Me: And I'm here to meet Jake, too.
Her: LOL *Stops at Delta counter to buy you a ticket right back*
Me: lol I think it's me who can't handle it
Me: LOL. Well done.