Wednesday, December 7, 2016

Twelve Inches To A Yard

Y: Prepare for 4-10 inches!
Me: ...Um...that's a wide margin. Not sure if I should feel sorry for you or be impressed.
Y: LOL. Dammit. Of snow. 4-10 inches of snow. And damn right you'd be impressed. 

Me: lol I'm gonna get a banner that says, "Prepare for 4-10 inches" and put it above my bedroom door. 
Y: LMAO. And the beauty of it is first they'll be impressed and then they'll feel sorry for you.

Me: LOL. That'll certainly make it awkward when I hand out the morning after treat bags; "Thanks for playing [Write Your Name Here]".
Y: LMAO. Yes!! Filled with memorabilia like Derek Jeter used to hand out.

Me: ...And you know this how...?
Y: Uh...I read it somewhere. Yeah, that's it.