Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Hallmark Day

Tomorrow is Valentine's Day. I remember loving it in grade school because we all got candy and cards and it was an excuse to not do our math for one day. I don't even celebrate it now. Not because I don't have a "valentine" or because I've gone all bitter because of past years. I just don't understand what's so romantic about celebrating your love on a day when everyone else is doing the exact same thing. I'm a total hopeless romantic and I still don't get it.
I don't think you should limit yourself to only doing flowers or candy or whatever on one day out of the year. Or only doing it on a few days like your anniversary and Valentine's day and maybe Christmas. I've been in a few (okay, more than a few) relationships in my life and never did I not do the little romantic things whenever the mood struck me. I remember in high school, all of the girls used to be so excited to get a rose or candy or whatever from someone they liked.
So, tomorrow will be just another day for me and my girlfriend (and the baby, which I am now calling 'she' even though we don't know the sex). I certainly don't need the candy (there's still a bowl of it from Christmas left on the top of my fridge) and I think roses (or another kind of flower) are much more romantic on any other day of the year. But I guess if you have to celebrate it, or you want to, more power to you.