Friday, May 16, 2008

The Guardian

When I signed papers and took possession of this teenager, I assumed it would be seven months of saying 'no' to this or that and occasionally letting her have some fun. You know, doing all that party spoiling that parents do to their kids. lol. Instead, it's lasted much longer than that (more like a few years) and it did not occur to me that even though she's only half a year removed from technically being an adult, she's still in need of quite a bit of guidance. I mean, it's not like having a baby or a pre-teen or anything like that, obviously. But this whole thing has had quite an impact on both of us already and we're not even halfway done.
I had no clue how much crap teenagers go through these days. School-wise, she's pretty much done. She has sporadic classes a few days a week and she'll graduate early next month. But before that, there's prom. Thankfully I don't have to worry about drugs or boys (she doesn't have one and she's not going with one) and I'm still borderline on how I should tackle alcohol. She knows I would rather she not drink and she knows that if she does, it's not gonna be a pretty outcome when I find out (and I will find out). Her prom party is at our house, which brings dozens of hormonal teenage girls literally into my backyard. Unfortunately, I have to be around to make sure my house is kept intact but I will have reinforcements. Still, I'll be happy when prom and graduation come and go.
I was thinking yesterday afternoon about just how much things have changed for me in the past few months. On the upside, 27 flew right on through and I was so busy with the kids that I didn't even really notice it. Things have changed in my household with a teenage girl and a baby girl now living here. There's chick stuff everywhere. lol And now most of the decisions I make for the household have to take them into account. I can't just go out and do something I wanna do, destructive or not, and it only affects me. She's almost legal and it's still a lot of work. Possibly more work than the baby is, at this point. I know I'll miss this time though so I'm doing my best to appreciate it.