Thursday, June 25, 2009

Michael Jackson 1958-2009

Let's set aside all of the horrible (and possibly illegal) decisions Michael Jackson made in his personal life and focus solely on his career and his music. He definitely was the King of Pop. His mind and his talent were amazing and I don't know of anyone who doesn't like at least one of his songs. I was born in 1981, the same year as MTV, and there wasn't a day that that network wasn't on in the background in my very creative-minded household. My cousin was M.J. (from the 'Thriller' era) for four Halloweens in a row. He crossed boundaries, he didn't make one genre of music. He just made good music that everybody could relate to and listen to. He was an amazing entertainer. But as is often the case, with great talent comes great responsibility and, eventually, great tragedy.
I wasn't a huge M.J. fan (Janet is my Jackson) but I do love his music and I loved watching video of his live shows back when he was in his prime. I don't own any music that he made after 'Scream' (which I think just may be one of the greatest videos EVER, although I do love 'Remember The Time'), because it was all just reworkings of his biggest hits. It was an amazing career but a tragic life, though most of his nightmares were of his own making. This was someone who never seemed to really want to grow up and he could afford not to, or so he felt. He was uncomfortable with the realities of the world, yet he was someone who craved being in the worldwide spotlight. In the end, I wouldn't be surprised if his penchant for pain killers factored into his death. Play too close to the flame and you will get burned. In a way, he's been dead for quite awhile. But it was still shocking and sad to hear the news of his actual passing. He never expected to live past 40. I hope in the extra decade he had, or at least in the last year or so, he got right with the man upstairs.