Monday, March 21, 2016

Whose Blind Date Is It Anyway?

And so it began. I had a blind date last night, courtesy of S. Not the chick she wants me to go out with and calls "marriage material", but one from my old stomping grounds in my hometown. It was a'ight.

S: How was the date??
Me: Meh.
S: Oh my god. You're impossible.
Me: lol All I said was, "Meh"!
S: "Meh" = "That was nice, who else ya got".
Me: You promised me better. This chick was blonde. BLONDE!
S: Well, not naturally. But I guess you didn't sleep together since you don't know that.
Me: lol I never said that. But yeah, who else ya got?
S: lol A foreign brunette who is totally, not at all marriage material.
Me: *sense a trap but walks in anyway*
S: Yay! I'll set it up.


G: Well, you're alive and presumably have both kidneys so I lost money on how your date went.
Me: LOL. Sorry to disappoint.
G: How was it?
Me: It was nice, but nothing is gonna come of it. S is setting me up with the marriage material chick.
G: *GASP* This...this is Giuseppe Carrasco's number, is it not?
Me: I know...I don't know what I'm thinking. But at least it'll be out the way and then I get to peruse S's more slutty side of the Rolodex.
G: LOL. Ah. Your true motive shine through.
Me: lol You know it!