Thursday, June 2, 2016

Let's Get Phallical

Agent W and I had some trying times in the month of May. She took a walk with her dog yesterday to shake off the negativity and posted a pic to Facebook. And then...well...

Me: What is the purple phallic thing sticking outta your backpack in the pic with the dog?
W: LOL. That's a baggie for picking up dog doo. I had just pulled some out to give to an unprepared owner.
Me: Oh thank god. I was concerned for your safety.
W: lol No you weren't.
Me: Ok, I wasn't. I was actually wondering which category I was gonna list the video under on PornHub.
W: LOL. That, I do believe.
W: I'm feeling romantical.
Me: You should. Not every girl has a husband who tries to profit off her sexual proclivities.
W: lol Oh right, that. Yes, that's why.
Me: Whyfore?
W: No reason, really. But today I can stand listening to love songs.
Me: Because you less bittah, after your long, phallic walk.
Me: And now you realize that you're every woman. And anythang you want done baby. You gotta do your damn self.
W: LOL. Makes sense.
W: I'm too tired and sore to be bitter.
Me: I'ma print that on a t-shirt for my one night womensz to wear lol.
W: LOL. And on the back  - #StickyAndFullOfRegret
Me: lol YES. I need to copyright this now.