Saturday, June 4, 2016

Soul Food

It all started out so innocently...

Me: Buy me some food. And also, pay for my food.
G: You putting out?

Me: No.
G: Then buy your own food.

Me: Great! I accept your offer to buy me food.
G: A gentleman always pays!

Me: That's when we were dating and neither of us had kids.
G: Kids eat free! And you will too if you do me a favor.

Me: Anything!
G: Watch Mr. M for me on Thursday.
Me: Oh. Then no.
G: LOL. So you want to eat free only as long as it doesn't inconvenience you at all.
Me: Pretty much lol
G: lol Ass.

And then...

G: What happened to the high school friend? I thought ya'll were still talking?
Me: Nah. Never spoke again after I left. Vibe wasn't right anyway though. It's funny; when I was young and stupid, chicks wanted to marry me. Now that I'm old and wise, the well has run dry.
G: I never wanted to marry you.
Me: Thank you for the reminder.
G: And you're not old and wise. But I get what you mean. I need to work on my own stuff before I get into something again, but you're ready for something serious.
Me: Yeah...
G: But you need to summon a little of that bastard thing you had going back in the day and set higher standards. You need someone who calls you on your crap and makes you WANT to put in the effort everyday. And somebody who you gel with on more than one or two levels. I'm looking for men, not boys. You need to start looking for women, not girls.
Me: You know what? I came here for free food, not to get my weave snatched and told what my problem is, thank you very much.
G: But I'm not wrong...
Me: True.

The problem with someone who knows you well is that they know you well. #SheRightTho