Thursday, March 23, 2017

But...I Voted For You!

I'm confused by the number of Trump supporters who seem surprised by every policy he tries to push through. Several supporters voiced their displeasure last month when he began to push for the Affordable Care Act to be repealed. The past month has been full of supporters appearing to be surprised by his repeated attempts to ban Muslims from entering the country. And now there's some uproar about his following through on deporting illegals. And it's all left my scratching my head. What did ya'll think was going to happen if you elected him? Trump supporters would appear to be the most naive, uninformed voters in the history of voting. This man could not have been any clearer about what he wanted to do if elected to office, and he is now following through on the things he said. It's like Hitler running for office and openly saying he would eradicate everyone who wasn't white and yet a ton of minorities walk right up and cast their vote for him anyway, only to be shocked when he comes for them. The Trump campaign was that loud and clear about their goals and if you still voted for him and now find yourself affected by his policies, I have zero sympathy for you.
Before the newest healthcare reform bill was put forth, all we heard was that Obamacare was awful and would be repealed and the replacement would be "great". Let's face it, even Trump didn't know what the fuck he was going to do at the time. But he did know that things that don't affect him could go out the window; women's healthcare, affordable care for the people who need it most, preventative care for all. Just the thought of that sent a bunch of his supporters to social media to complain about how their kids need this medicine or care and now won't be able to get it, or how they themselves are receiving treatment for a chronic condition that they won't be able to afford the medicine for without insurance. Many of these posts included some form of, "But I voted for you", as if they thought their vote was going to get them some punch card that said they were immune from his terrible decisions. Trump always said getting rid of healthcare was a top priority. If your family depends on that care, especially in a life or death situation, why would you vote for someone who wanted to strip you of your insurance? Either you thought he was lying about it or you're an idiot. The alternative to this was tweaking the current healthcare act to fix some of what doesn't work, a fine tuning of it. Is Obamacare perfect? Of course not. But it was geared more towards allowing all Americans to have preventative care, rather than charging them an arm and a leg when the sky does fall. It is the difference between getting something checked out when you first notice it, as opposed to having to put off a visit to the doctor and find out the problem has become much more serious. How is having no healthcare at all better than that? What is so terrible about Obamacare that Trump's then-non-existent plan to replace it was better? Most countries have similar healthcare laws and as a result they're much healthier and more well off than America. For doctors in other countries, the incentive lies in keeping your patients healthy, not cashing in when they're sick. But who needs that in America, right? The most laughable part of this particular issue is that Trump didn't even have a healthcare plan laid out prior to his election, all he said was that he'd repeal the current law. That allowed him to decide to do whatever the fuck he wanted once in office and now here we are. So if healthcare was a big deal to you and you voted for him anyway, tough luck.
The Trump camp's repeated attempts to get a Muslim ban passed was also something he made no secret of wanting to do if elected. Maybe people didn't believe it would result in such a widespread ban, but I don't think that was surprising. This is a person who made no effort to his his racism and took every opportunity to insult one minority or another. Muslims are terrorists, Mexicans are rapists, African Americans all live in terrible crime-ridden areas. Anyone who thinks Stop and Frisk is a good idea is someone you know has no chance of being stopped and frisked. Because who is it that looks "suspicious" in those circumstances? Muslims, Mexicans and African Americans. Someone who looks like Trump would not be stopped, which is ironic since he's shady as hell. Of course he was going to try and stop as many people as he could from coming into the country. Because if it's one thing a country of immigrants doesn't need, it's more immigrants. People who have a Muslim relative that voted for Trump are just...special. You knew he was gunning for those people and you gave him the power to do so.
Let's not forget that other campaign promise regarding keeping people out of the country - the promise to deport illegal Mexicans back to the motherland. I read an article today about a woman who is married to a man who illegally crossed the border in 1998. They have four kids and the man owns a business that provides for the family. In 2000, he accidentally crossed into Canada during a trip to Niagara Falls and was detained by ICE, who told him he had to voluntarily leave the country. He didn't and is scheduled to be deported tomorrow. His wife took to the media to tell their story and gave some laughable comment about how she thought Trump was only deporting "dangerous illegals", a group she does not believe includes her husband. ...Really? Again, this is someone who told you point blank he would ideally like to deport all illegals. He eventually said he would focus on deporting the ones with criminal records first, but never said law-abiding illegals would not face deportation. Furthermore, he clamped down on sanctuary cities not long after he was sworn in, which should've given people an indication of where he was headed. How one voted for him when they have an illegal family member is beyond me.
Seeing all of these people lose their shit as Trump's policies start to affect them made me realize this is how he won the election. Not with fear and not because people didn't want a woman in office, but because he appealed to the uneducated masses. People like to lay into those who blindly believe everything the media tells them, but people who voted for an openly racist, misogynistic narcissist with eyes wide open are just as bad, if not worse. No one source; not one politician, not one media network, not one social network should be the sole source of information for anyone, especially during something as important as an election. Educated people who did their research saw shades of Hitler and dictatorship in Trump but somehow those who eventually voted for him missed every damn red flag. And this is all just in the first three months of his presidency. In three months, he's made a mockery of the office and the country and preached nothing but hate. He's blatantly lied to the public multiple times. If you voted for him, you voted for this. You had to have known this was coming because he laid it all out for you beforehand. He lied during the campaign and will continue to do so for the next four years (provided he's not impeached before then) because no one is calling him on his shit. And we're walking a dangerous line now. The longer his actions go on unchecked, the more likely it is democracy as we know it comes crashing down. And whether you voted for him or not, you're not immune to effects.