Saturday, March 25, 2017

Just Like Romeo & Juliet

I did not watch the second season of, "90 Day Fiancé" because all of the couples seemed boring as hell. But they sucked me back in this season with the promise of updates on the greatest reality TV couple in the history of ever, Danielle and Mohamed. For those not familiar with the show, it follows Americans who are engaged to foreigners as they decide whether to marry before the foreigner's fiancé visa expires. The visa is valid for 90 days and if the couple doesn't marry in that time, the foreigner has to return to their motherland (I know what you're thinking but L doesn't need me for a green card.). Danielle and Mohamed were one of the original couples on the show's first season and they went viral because the red flags were literally everywhere. Mohamed was a skinny 27-year-old from Tunisia when the relationship began, while Danielle was a larger women in her early 40's who never put a "G" on the end of a word in her life. A mother of four from Ohio, Danielle's grammar is atrocious; leavin', cheatin', runnin' get the picture. Despite having the thickest pair of glasses I have ever seen in my life, Danielle still somehow manages to miss how sketchy Mohamed's intentions are. She's visited him once in Tunisia, emptying out her savings much to the dismay of the three teenage daughters who live with her, before deciding to bring him over on a fiancé visa. When Mohamed is late meeting her at the airport, Danielle has a full on ugly cry meltdown in front of her brother and her daughters. She worries he changed his mind because she's not good enough for him. But soon Mohamed appears and they go to the small apartment she lives in, where things immediately go downhill. Mohamed is dismayed to find the living quarters so small and when pressed by a producer about his physical attraction to his new fiancé, all he can muster is that she is "acceptable" for him. Prior to his arrival, Mohamed apparently laid down the law about the sleeping arrangements, telling Danielle they could not have sex until they were married because his Muslim faith forbids it. Soon it turns out there's all kindsa things Mohamed can't do because he's Muslim; can't hold hands, can't kiss her, can't show affection in front of people, can't speak of his affection for her in front of the cameras. If Mohamed could invoke his faith to get out of doing the dishes, he would and Danielle would believe it too. Much of the next 90 days are spent arguing while Mohamed goes back and forth about whether he's going to marry her at all. Twice, the electricity in the apartment is shut off and eventually Danielle comes clean about how in debt she is, which prompts a visit to a lawyer who tells a shocked Mohamed that once they get married, he inherits her debts. He keeps Danielle in suspense about whether they'll marry right up until the actual wedding day, telling her he'll go through with the marriage but only if she keeps him in the loop on the finances. Danielle would literally do anything to hold onto him, so she agrees. The wedding is small and awkward as hell with Mohamed declining to kiss the bride because it's Ramadan and, once again, he can't do something he doesn't want to do because Muslim. That's where their story left off on the TV show, but it continued on the interwebs. Both Mohamed and Danielle's Facebook profiles were public and both of them reveled in the attention the show brought them. Until the attention turned negative, telling Danielle he was clearly scamming her for a green card and claiming Mohamed was cheating with numerous other women. Eventually, they clamped down the security settings on their profiles and stepped away from the attention.
This season, TLC decided to check in on the saga that is Danielle and Mohamed and I am here for it, ya'll. According to Danielle, Mohamed received his green card a little over a year into the marriage and promptly peaced out. She doesn't know where he is and she says he never contributed to the marriage or finances, yet all the bills were in his name so she can't manage the accounts now that he's gone. Her family has cut her off until she gets rid of Mohamed, her son has been arrested and given probation for allegedly threatening Mohamed and her oldest daughter has moved out of the apartment because of the unhealthy environment. Still, Danielle refuses to let him go. The one friend she apparently has left goes with her to try and find him and tells her she should cut her losses and divorce him already. Danielle goes back and forth about the idea in an almost manic fashion, agreeing it's the right move in one breath, then proclaiming her love for him in the next. Eventually, she opts for an annulment because a lawyer tells her it's highly likely he will be deported if it goes through. The only hitch is she can't find him to serve the papers. It turns out Mohamed is in Miami with a woman named Luisa who he met on Facebook, though he claims they're not sleeping together. Despite having been flown to various destinations across the US since he got married, every trip sans his Mrs., Mohamed claims he has never been unfaithful to Danielle. The women were supposedly just being friendly by flying him places and paying his way. Luisa, however, turns out to be more than mooch Mohamed bargained for. He says she convinced him to move to Miami by saying it was more diverse and thus provided him more opportunities to find work. She also allegedly told him she'd pay for them to share an apartment and hook him up with her friends who could get him jobs. After arriving in Miami, the pair stay in a hotel room (oops, it only has one bed! He stays on the floor.) for a week before shit gets real. You could tell Luisa was expecting something out of this arrangement, but Mohamed refused to put out and she got annoyed. She acknowledges that he's still married but wonders why he's remaining faithful to a woman he claims so ruined his life. Shortly thereafter, she decides to move to Los Angeles instead and leaves him behind. With no gal pal to pay his way and an INS interview on the horizon, Mohamed runs home to Ohio to try and convince Danielle to drop the annulment and divorce him instead. His reasoning as to why he should get to stay in the country is that he came here with good intentions and it's not his fault Danielle ended up being fucking crazy. He says he left the marriage because she "wouldn't let" him love her and only brought about needless drama. When a lawyer tells him that qualifies as abandonment and hurts his chances to stay, he's undeterred. He and Danielle prepare to meet and talk, a talk he flat out told her would be about the split and nothing else, as she tells the camera her "plan" to lure him back by filing for an annulment worked and now she's hopeful he will choose to stay and work on the marriage. Girl...*sigh*. During the meeting a fight ensues and she storms out when it becomes clear he don't want her and he never will. 
The next day Mohamed calls Danielle and invites her over to their one Ohio friend's house to talk again. This friend, Bob, seems to take most of what Mohamed says as gospel and, as a former marriage counselor, he also tells Danielle to pull the annulment and just get a divorce. As Danielle breaks down in tears, Mohamed tells her that they can be friends after the divorce, but an annulment sends him back to Tunisia and negates any kind of friendship. She takes the bait and the next day the two of them go to City Hall to get rid of the annulment. A day later, they meet once more, "to say goodbye", as Mohamed puts it, and Danielle, while the emotional wreck she usually is, seems not as torn up about it as you would expect. We later find out the reason why - though she pulled the annulment, she did not file for a divorce. They're still married with no end in sight. It would be a diabolical plan if it weren't born out of pathetic-ness. She's determined to keep him in the fold no matter what it takes; filing the annulment was a way to bring him back, not filing for divorce is a way to ensure she still has her hooks in him. She claims they agreed to wait on filing for divorce, I assume because his immigration meeting is coming up soon, but now I'm not so sure it was a mutual agreement to wait. Mohamed sure was behaving like a soon-to-be divorced man once he got back to Miami, sitting on the beach with two female friends. He seemed as if a weight had been lifted. And then Danielle begins blowing up his phone with calls and texts. He doesn't respond to any of it so Danielle obtains his whereabouts from their joint bank statement and takes her debt-ridden, can't-keep-the-lights-on self to Miami so the two of them friends, I guess? That's the excuse she gives but I don't think friendship with an ex-husband means you fly halfway across the country just to be friendly. Just when you think she can't be anymore delusional, she tells the camera she's packing as if it's a romantic getaway because it could turn out that way. Why does she think this? Because she's decided all by herself that she still wants to be married to him, as if it's only her decision. She believes going to Miami and confronting him about why he won't text her back is going to convince him to give the marriage another go and thus, they'll have a romantic few days together. Mohamed's reaction to her arrival? He goes to the police station to see about filing a restraining order. He agrees to talk to Danielle one last time even though there's nothing left to discuss, but makes it clear that she cannot contact him after that meeting or he will call the cops. Danielle goes into meltdown mode and is somehow shocked by the fact that him telling her they could be friends was just another ploy to get her to not annul the marriage. And boy, did he get more than he bargained for there, huh?
I don't think I have ever seen a woman with such blinders on. Yes, it's been apparent from the gate that Danielle is desperate to hold onto Mohamed because he's young and attractive, she held onto his arm for dear life in every interview they did, but come on now. She's still clinging to that damn arm in an effort to prevent him from getting away and it's bordering on Investigation Discovery territory now. This is how, "Wives With Knives" begins and, well, you can assume how it ends given the title of the show. While I don't believe she actually has the balls to murder the lad, she does strike me as the type who, if she did, would weep over the body as if she were just a mourner and not the perpetrator. This is almost sickening to watch now. The man does not even like her, nevermind love her the way a husband should. He's contributed nothing to her or her children's well being, yet she always brings up that he's "leaving three girls who love him" when she cries about the divorce. He hasn't even really contributed financially to the household, it sounds like. Why are you chasing this fucker? When holding onto someone threatens everything else in your life, including whatever sanity you have left (and there's veeeeery little margin for error there), it's time to walk away. I don't honestly know if Mohamed was just here for the green card, but his actions seem to point that way. She's admitted several times that she believes he never loved her and that's all he's here for, but she still refuses to let him go. Earlier in the season, she went out with another young foreigner, though this one is already legally in the U.S., and talked about Mohamed the entire time. On that date, she also admitted to the cameras that it gives her a thrill to be with younger, attractive men because she likes it when people look at them and wonder how someone like her landed them. The statement was sad. And I would feel sad for her if she wasn't so fucking pathetic. Move on with your damn life. If the goal here is to take years off Mohamed's life, she's not gonna succeed since he's a good 15 years younger than her and has so far outlasted all the shit she's thrown his way. While I don't like Mohamed or feel for his predicament at all, I do find some truth in what he says about Danielle not being all there and/or not being truly stable. I also believe she definitely misrepresented herself when it came to her financial situation. Lying about money is one thing, but when you end up being a fucking lunatic after presenting yourself as sane...that's a problem. Here's hoping the whole thing does finally end so they can both move on.

UPDATE: The love story is over, kids. It would appear Danielle and Mohamed have officially untied the knot and gotten a divorce, which means Mohamed can remain in the US (well, maybe...who knows what tf the Trump shit will do). What a long, strange ride.