Thursday, January 3, 2008

My Step-Cousin/Girlfriend?

Sounds all kindsa redneck, doesn't it? But I'm coming to terms with the fact that things have gone all twilight zone in my family over the holidays. The person I would ideally be with right now has been in and out of my life for quite some time. Her family has known my family since we were 3-years-old. When we were 10, her famlily moved and the two of us lost touch but our mothers didn't. Then, a few years ago her sister moved to New York and ended up buying the house next to my cousin. That's how the blind date we "met" on came about. We're still living in the in-between because of the baby thing and my decision that I can't pursue this with her until everything else settles, which could take some time. But life tossed us together again over the holiday season in the oddest of ways.
Last month, my younger cousin ended up in the hospital for his appendix (which has become a whole big thing now, because he's still not well). I headed out to Starbucks one morning with my uncle before I was set to go pick up my cousin from the hospital and my girl friend's (read: femal friend, that's all we are at the moment) mom walked in. Her and my uncle started talking, and flirting, as I stood between them waiting for my drink. I was just a tad bit very uncomfortable, since it was obvious that something's gone on between them in the past. But I left and they were still talking. I picked up my cousin, took him home and we were all chilling out when my uncle came walking in the door, almost eight hours after I'd left them at the coffee shop. He said it was no big deal and that he'd been working at least part of the time. Then he brought his lady friend home to spend Christmas with my family. They were sickeningly inseparable, which we mostly tried to ignore, but it wasn't the easiest thing to do. They've been seeing each other almost everyday, essentially they're dating, though they won't call it that.
I don't know how to feel about the whole thing. Part of me just doesn't wanna deal because if they were to work out and get married, where would that leave me and my friend? If we wanted to give it another shot, it'd be a little awkward. But then I feel bad for taking that point of view because this is the man that gave up the past 24 years of his life to his kids. He was the best father you could ever ask for. And her mom sacrificed a lot for her kids, as well. So, it's like, how can you possibly be against these two amazing people finally being happy? I mean, all of us kids are grown and we don't want them to be alone for the rest of their lives just because of the circumstances. I just have this feeling that they're going to refrain from doing anything until they get a read on what her and I are gonna do. But I hope they're not iffy on their relationship just because of us.