Tuesday, January 1, 2008

Year In Review

You know, I hadn't really thought about last year and how it went until just last night as it was out the door. Professionally, I may never have a better year than I did in 2007. Personally, well, it was not great but there is a bright spot in my impending fatherhood. I did hit my stride at about, oh, September, when I finally seemed to get it back on the rails and head towards where I needed to be. In terms of family...I lost three wonderful people in a rather small amount of time. I don't think I've fully dealt with any of those losses, especially the last one, but then, that is how I tend to operate. I'm not internalizing it and not dealing at all and I'm not in any kind of denial. I'm just taking my time to let it all come up to the surface (and it will, at some very inopportune time, I'm sure).
Relationships...well, 2007 turned out to be a banner year for getting those back on track. It wasn't really a big year for romantic relationships because I chose to focus on work and I chose to finally curb my self-destructive behavior that I kept hearing so much about. But maybe that was exactly what I needed to do all along. I'm sure it was, I was just too stubborn to realize or admit to it. But now I am finally, for the first time in a great long while, happy with where I am in life. It was a, well, sort of fling that led to the pregnancy but she and I both know that to call it that is to minimize what's between us. We may not be in love with each other (or we may be, who knows at this point) but we are in a wonderful place and we're in love with our child, which is the most important thing.
I don't do change well at all, but once I finally succumb to it and get over the hump, I'm usually alright. I know this year will be bringing a lot of big changes and so I'll probably freak out and then go back to being happy. I know the challenges start this weekend and, boy do they keep on coming at a rapid pace the rest of the year, but I'm ready. At least I feel more ready to deal now than I did a year ago. That's something, huh? The weird thing is that I'm not at all scared about having a baby, which everyone keeps telling me a monumental life change. I kinda can't wait.