Thursday, March 27, 2008

A New Lifetime Original Movie...

So, last week I had yet another entertaining session with my friend. I don't remember what the entire conversation was about (probably the same crap we usually talk about) and it took a nasty turn at some point. lol. I'd completely forgotten about this whole thing until I read it on her blog today and it made me laugh all over again. I miss you Wendy!

"So much for civility eh J?

Wendy: *** RASPBERRY’ING! ***
J: *** You’ve been B’SLAPPED! ***
J: See what you made me do lol
Wendy: lol how abusive
J: blame me for your violence
J: Now it becomes a Lifetime movie where the charming man you fell for turns out to have premature posting problems and a wicked backhand
J: LOL "You can’t leave think you can leave me?"
Wendy: "You’re nothing without me!"
Wendy: we have to add a hick twang in there
J: Then there has to be the climax, you know, where we like have it out in some remote location where none of the phones work and there’s no park ranger
But you manage to elude my capture and then, like magic, someone comes upon the whole bloody mess
Wendy: yep...a park ranger no less
Wendy: across the wide expanse of land, he just happens to have to check for something right where I’m stumbling around
J: Yep..and then it’s curtains for me and my premature posting, Wendy-beating ways
J: Then you could be on Oprah lol
Wendy: damn you...the final glorious scenario of how I give a couple of shots to the chest as you’re coming at me and then you’d fall back in super slow motion from different camera angles as the sun is coming up

lol love that guy..."