Friday, March 7, 2008

Two Doors Down

I have to say it...Part of me hopes the apartment down the hall never gets rented. lol. This unit has been a date magnet for me and for two of my friends. Not dating like...well, what happened with me last week. This is leading to actual date and decent ones at that. My roommate is one of my best girl friends and this is our second tour of duty living together and she ran into some guy leaving the place and he asked her out and they've been out a couple times since. Two days ago, one of my other girl friends was coming up to my place and ran into a guy checking out the place and now they're kinda on and off. And last night when I came home there was a chick outside the place and we introduced ourselves and ended up having coffee (way late) last night and we're going to dinner tonight. Now, this could all end up blowing up in all of our faces at the end of the day because, eventually, someone is going to move into that unit. The only thing preventing a new neighbor now is that the real estate guy is lousy and I think he's being that way because he's looking for a way to afford moving into it himself, which would suck. I know everybody that lives on my floor (it's not a very big floor) and we all get along, except for the lady next door to me who refers to us as "punk kids". lol. Potentially, if anyone any of us are currently dating comes to own that place, one of us could be screwed, if the relationship doesn't work out. But for one's really worried about that.