Monday, November 10, 2008

Game Changers

I've had quite a few life-altering experiences in 27-ish years. Some have been awesome and some have been horrible. I look at it as a sort of earthquake-esque scale. Every little foundation shaking thing is gonna change something, no matter how small. The big ones can change quite a lot. I'm currently in the midst of what could be a HUGE game changer that could alter the rest of my life. It's come as a shock, to say the very least, and I don't know that I've actually dealt with it. I've tried not to think about it since I got the news. So far, that's working for me. If things stay as they are, I won't have to deal with anything. But if I get the news I'm dreading...I've been thinking about how much would change. I don't know how likely it is that I will get bad news but obviously it's possible or they wouldn't have called. It's amazing how much you take for granted until you have to deal with a crisis or a mini-crisis.