Saturday, November 29, 2008

A Turkey Day Story

Ah, turkey day...a day to do nothing but eat and watch/play football and be with the people you love. My family invites just about everyone they know to dinner every year so it's always a huge fun event. This year was my first Thanksgiving with my daughter. But my turkey day fun began a few days before the actual holiday. This is the first time in years that everyone in my family made it to the house on time for Thanksgiving. Usually there are some who don't get here until the morning of or way late the day before. So my aunt decided to take full advantage of the manpower and put up all of the Christmas stuff on Tuesday. In the midst of putting an ornament on the tree I stepped back and smacked into a child (not sure which one) and my momentum carried me backwards until I fell onto the couch and knocked my head on the windowsill. This caused a three inch gash in the back of my head and blood shot across the wall like someone had just taken a knife to their throat. (I know this because I never miss an episode of CSI and my family was nice enough to take pictures of the carnage for me). So my pre-turkey day fun was over as I went to the hospital and got about ten stitches to close the thing. I rode the couch the rest of the day and I supposedly have a "mild concussion" but I don't feel the effects of that at all at the moment. Wednesday went by without incident. Half the family was out doing last minute shopping (read: raiding every liquor store in the county) and the rest of us were at home doing prep work and blasting the 'Rhythm Nation' album (best album ever) on repeat. It was a lot of fun. The actual holiday started earlier than I would've liked but it worked out okay. Two of my nephews are learning how to skate because they're in little league hockey. They're adorable in all of their gear and one of them skates incredibly fast already that he's garnered the nickname 'lightning'. The other...well..let's just say hockey is definitely the sport for him. He's not overly violent or anything but he's looking to be the kind of player that gets under the skin of the other team(nickname: thunderbolt, because he likes to hit people into the boards). We were out playing with them and the boys were on skates and had their sticks and some of their gear on and I gently kicked the ball past him and asked what he should do if that happens in a game. He thought for about a second then he wound up and slashed the inside of my leg. I mean, this kid hit with some force, I still have the mark to prove it. It was so funny.
Thanksgiving always brings our "big game" of football around that gives the winners bragging rights until the next game we play that counts (Super Bowl). This year was my girlfriend's initiation into the whole thing and she was so excited (and so cocky) that we made a bet two weeks beforehand. It was a good game, a lot of back and forth and a close game. Then, as my team started to pull away in the second half, my brother decided he'd rather have revenge than try to come back. So he sent my girlfriend out there and almost as soon as the ball was snapped, she was in my face and then I was flung to the ground violently. She hit with some kinda force. My team won the game and I won the bet but I had to ice my knee and my back after her hit so I'm not sure we can say who won the war. Overall, it was a great day. And now the madness of Christmas begins. I can't wait.