Tuesday, November 18, 2008


Now that my family is finally coming to terms with the fact that I'm never getting married their focus has started to shift. Not annoyingly so (yet) but I must've been asked four times this week, "So...when are you gonna have more kids?". It's not really that big of a surprise to get such a question. And with the holidays coming up, we expect to get the same question more than a couple more times. It doesn't bother us. I mean, we just give a basic 'not anytime soon' answer and move on. The truth is that we have no freakin' clue about the whole kid thing. We adore our little girl and (occasionally) the teenager but we're not looking to have anymore anytime soon. Or, maybe, ever. It hasn't been decided yet. At this point, I can't believe how happy I am and how much I love my life. And everyone says, 'oh, well more kids will only make that better'. Fine...then you have more kids. I'm not looking for a change right now. It may not have happened the way we wanted but I can honestly say that I genuinely did want my girlfriend to be the mother of my child. And she is an amazing mother. Around the time we started "dating" again, I'd started to come to terms with the fact that maybe parenthood just wasn't meant for me. I love kids but maybe I wasn't supposed to have my own. And I was fine with that. Even now that I have a child, I can't say more are gonna happen for me and I don't get why some people don't understand that. I know the holidays are gonna bring more questions that we have no answer for. But it just doesn't really bother me like it used to. I used to get annoyed when I was asked at weddings when it was gonna be my turn. Heh, who knew all that I needed to do was state that it was never gonna happen to be left alone?