Thursday, November 20, 2008

I don't wanna grow up, I'm a toys r us kid...

Remember that song? It was damn catchy. And so true some days. Last weekend, I went to four different stores looking for advent calendars. You know, those little cardboard calendars that have 24 chocolates in them, one for each day leading up to Christmas. I've had one of those just about every year I've been alive. Even now, I think it's just a fun little tradition, although now a lot of the reason I do it is because my niece loves to call every day and exchange info on which chocolate we each got. It's like our little holiday thing. And it is my baby's first Christmas, which just excites me to no end.
Last night, most of my family was at the family home to get their marching orders for Thanksgiving. While waiting for this little meeting to begin, a bunch of my cousins and I were in the backyard just kinda hanging out. Someone picked up a soccer ball that was laying around and flung it at someone else, nailing them in the back. This brought retaliation from the injured party and thus began a rather large and increasingly violent game of dodge ball. I hadn't played that in years. It's such a weird game, I don't even really remember playing it all that much as a kid, except in gym class a few times. I mean, there really is no point to it. Anyone who has good aim is gonna be good at it. But there we were, a bunch of big kids in their 20's flinging soccer balls and volleyballs across the yard. It went on for maybe a half hour before the temperature dropped dramatically and we had to go inside.
It's amazing what you miss sometimes. And it's amazing how some things never change. It's not like my development is delayed or anything, but I don't see anything wrong with letting the kid in you come out every now and again. Anyone who knows me would tell you I'm a bit of a big kid, especially around the holidays. I can't even estimate how much time I spend with the kids every year around this time. Last year, there was a gigantic Nerf gun fight involving three generations. It was so much fun. This year, God knows what we'll get up to. But I can't wait to be swarmed by the munchkins next week and just not have to deal with anything "adult" for awhile.