Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Rock You Like A Hurr-cane

Me: This storm is no joke
Her: We're such pansies
Her: People lose they minds when the water is ankle deep
Me: Shoot, the water is almost up to this weather dude's thighs on CNN
Her: What's Olie Williams say on the Blaccuweather report?
Me: lol It's a hurr-cane!
Her: LOL
Her: It's rainin sideways!
Me: Bitches haterade be flyin' outta they hands and shit
Her: LMAO!

Tis the morning after Hurricane Sandy wreaked havoc on the East Coast and it's a little unbelievable to look outside and see water and downed trees everywhere. It's like something out of a movie. I've yet to venture outside, even though the winds have died down considerably and the rain has subsided a bit. If anyone is gonna accidentally step on a downed wire and get electrocuted, it would be this mother lover right here so I'm not even gonna tempt fate. No doubt that storm was scary but it seems as though it was far less catastrophic than predicted. Hopefully it weakens now since it'll be on land for awhile. Stay safe kids!