Monday, December 3, 2012

The Last One To Know, The Last One To Show, I Was The Last One You Thought You'd See There

Well I just had a banner day yesterday. I had a falling out with one friend, an interesting conversation with another that left me feeling terrible and, to top it all off, my cousin got himself a little drunk and crashed his ex-girlfriend's birthday party. (And Crazy Aunt is apparently the one who drove him to the party.) I'd rather not talk about the friend stuff, hopefully it works itself out, so let's indulge in a bit of escapism and analyze someone else's problem, shall we?
I don't even know what to say about the party crashers.  My cousin and this chick dated something like seven years, he was about to propose when she said she didn't want to get married. Months later, she gets engaged to some random dude and the cousin is devastated but takes it as his cue to move on. A few months after that, her engagement ends and he thinks that maybe they do have a future together, but neither of them reaches out to the other. Then he hears that she's dating some new dude and goes completely off the deep end. He spends the evening at dinner with the fam and finally lets out all that he's been keeping in; about how he's pissed off that she ended things the way she did, how he wishes he'd had the balls to tell her off before they officially parted and every other thing he wanted to say but didn't. So Crazy Aunt gets the idea of telling her all of those things now while he's filled with liquid courage. He's still in contact with her sister so he already knew the birthday party was going on, he just needed to find out where. For some reason, her sister told him this information and he and Crazy Aunt piled into the car and away they went.
Crazy Aunt and rhe cousin get to the party and he goes in and begins telling off his ex in front of everybody. His speech is slurred and she goes from shocked to upset about what's happening. She tries to talk him down outside the view of the party goers but he only gets louder. Her parents, who never really cared for him to begin with, call the cops. Fortunately, the officer who responded is a family friend and he just escorts the cousin home in the back of his cruiser while giving him a lecture. He's very lucky that all he got was a lecture. I just feel bad for him. He's an awesome dude and she kinda screwed him over in the end but he still loves her. He's tried to move on but hasn't found anything substantial in the last year or so and that sends him into this mode of feeling like he'll never find anyone. After a very long conversation he's decided to take a break from dating for awhile. He's not over her and until he is, there's no point in trying to build something with anyone else. I hope it works out for him. He deserves to find someone awesome.