Friday, August 8, 2014

You Rocked My World, You Know You Did

MC and I have moved past the stage where we both hate each other's guts and are bitter about things that happened between us in the past and have since moved on to being responsible co-parents. Actually, I would even venture to say we've become pretty great friends, which I don't think we've ever been before. We jumped right into dating way back when, then when it ended we were awkward acquaintances and then eventually we were parents of the same kid, but never really friends. But now we're good friends and we talk about stuff other than just Miss N, which has been kinda awesome.
Back when MC and I dated, her friends weren't totally on board solely because of the age difference. They thought I was great and treated her better than most of the other dudes she went out with (and her ex-husband), but didn't see longterm potential because of our ages. When we did break-up, she proceeded to date a handful of assholes and it got so bad that a few of her friends called me to inquire as to whether or not there was annnnny chance we'd reunite. I wasn't totally surprised that she was hanging around with bad dudes since that was what she was usually drawn to, and at the time my savior complex was alive and kicking so we tried again a handful of times. But our problems were many, chief among them being that she was in love with me and I wasn't in love with her and that we just weren't really meant to be lovers. That's why she held so much hostility towards me for so long, but fortunately that's gone now. It's funny how life works out. I always had a feeling she and I would be in each other's lives in some way, and then comes Miss N, whom we both adore. Disagreements and past ish aside, I couldn't have ended up with a better co-parenting partner.
MC and I have long had an agreement that if either of us begins getting seriously involved with someone who we want to meet Miss N, the other parent has to meet them first and sort of give the all-clear. We've also agreed that we're not going to bring everyone we date around just for the fun of it, only potential life-long partners will get to meet her. A few weeks ago, MC informed me that she's kind of been seeing a dude for about a month and she's falling pretty hard for him. I assumed she wanted him to meet Miss N but she was surprisingly responsible about the whole thing and said that even though she adores him, she's not ready for that yet. She asked me to dinner with them so I could give my opinion and, if he was a jackass, she could cut and run. Quite honestly, and given her track record, I expected him to be a jackass but was just waiting to see what kind; the kind I could live with my kid being around or not. Last night we all had dinner and oh dear god it went well. Like, "Miss N and I are getting a new daddy!" kinda well. This guy is awesome. He's from Italy, looks like a damn model and is intelligent. He loves kids, he's a fan of the arts and dare I say his eyes are quite dreamy (I don't even care if that makes me sound gay, ya'll). By the end of the night I was ready to chuck all of this 'looking for love' business and just move in with them so he could raise me and Miss N yo. It's early days for them yet but I do hope it works out. It'd be nice if we both ended up with people that the other one liked so the drama is cut down to a minimum.