Monday, September 22, 2008


I'm finally on the mend and breathing doesn't hurt as much. Hopefully I'll be better by tomorrow, just in time for work. Making my recovery even more difficult is the massive amount of life-altering information I've had to take in this week. My best friend since birth got back together her "husband" (it was never a legal marriage) a little while back and they're basically, I guess you'd say engaged (again). They went on vacation to Europe last month and ended up prolonging their stay almost an entire month because he got offered a job. Two jobs, actually. One in Spain and one in England. He's seriously considering taking someone up on their offer and she, of course, would be going with him. We've never lived on completely separate continents for a prolonged period of time. And yet...I feel oddly at ease with the whole situation. I mean, she's been gone a month and we've talked everyday via internet or phone but I haven't really had the cow I was preparing myself for. Don't get me wrong, I miss her like crazy but I thought it would be much worse. I remember when she moved out of the home we were living in a few years ago and I did my best to make her stay. But I was alone once she moved out. And when she got married, to my ex-fiancee's brother no less, I tried my best to lock her in a closet and never let her out so she couldn't leave me. Again, I was by myself. But this's like we're both grown-ups. We're both in relationships and happy and we know we're always gonna be in each other's lives. Just on separate ends of the earth, apparently. They have to make a decision by the end of this month, so it's coming up quickly. I just hope she's happy, whatever they choose.