Wednesday, September 10, 2008

We interrupt our regular blogging for this special post

This is something my girlfriend wrote on her blog. Because she tells the story better than I ever could and because it makes me sound really good. lol

"My Best Friend

Before I met my boyfriend I'd never met anyone who thought he could learn how to do anything. Seriously, this man is fearless. Example: During Barack Obama's speech a few weeks ago I suddenly got a craving for cake. We had nothing in the way of sweets in the entire house so I was in withdrawal. He gets up off the couch and goes to the kitchen and fifteen minutes later I smell cake. He went and called his Mom and got one of her recipes. Two days and a trip to the store later, I decided I wanted to add frosting to what was left of my cake and he hit up google and found a recipe. It officially confirmed that he's the perfect man for me.
It's been almost fives years since we met and it's a meeting that literally took my breath away. I was having a good day alreayd and it turned into an unforgettable one at around 2:45 that afternoon. I was walking into a trailer to grab something for a scene and I could feel that I'd hit something when I'd opened the door. This guy turned around and I apologized and then I looked at him. Damn lol That was the first and only thought I had for about 30 seconds. There I am stuck on stupid and staring into the most gorgeous green eyes I had ever since (and I told him as much).
The next night we went on our first date and all night our conversation flowed so beautifully. There was never an awkward silence or any kind of disagreement. So by the end of dinner I was thinking, 'okay...something has to be wrong with him. Maybe he won't pay and then I can get outta this.' lol But no such luck. He had the best manners of any man I've ever dated in my life and what was supposed to just be dinner turned into a walk in the park and hanging out at a coffeehouse. I loved every minute of it and I fell for him by the end of the night. Totally against my will but I loved him. The best part was that he did not try to kiss me at the end of that date. Not that the attraction wasn't raging but I don't kiss on the first date and he seemed to somehow sense that and so he didn't even try. The funny thing is that we didn't keep officially dating right away. I was in the midst of a hectic divorce and it made things more difficult. Adding to our difficulties was that I didn't live in the same state as him. Also difficult (for my friends) was the age difference, which is about 12 years. My friends thought it was a phase, that we were just having great sex and that's why I was so sprung. But we weren't even sleeping together at that time. I didn't care that he was younger or that he wasn't the same race as me. What amazed me is that he'd been through so much, having lost perhaps the love of his life and nearly his own life when he was just 21-years-old, and though he was still having trouble dealing with, there was no question he was going to get past it somehow. To bethat incredibly strong at such a young age is ridiculous to me and it drew me in even more.
But nothing can ever be easy and this was no different. After an amazing year and a half together we split up. It was sad but we both knew it was for the best. I dated other men, older than him, and none of them were any good. No one had the same amount of character as him. They were older in age but below him in maturity. So when I found myself single again and knew he was single, I asked him out as friends. We ended up sleeping together and not really dating but it felt right because neither of us wanted a relationship. I became pregnant during this time and I remember suspecting I was and then taking the test and being so happy the entire time. It wasn't the best timing or situation but it was his baby let me tell you, I'd wanted to have his babies from the second I saw him lol. I wondered how he'd react to the news though since he wasn't in a great place. I studied his face as I said the words "You're gonna be a daddy" and he went from shock to the biggest smile. He'd always wanted a daughter and I'm convinced he willed our baby to become a girl. I'll never forget the mornings we'd wake up and he'd ask "How are my girls today?". I'll never forget the nights I'd wake up and hear him talking to her about eveything from The Beatles to that night's hockey game.
Now we're about two and a half weeks away from an entire year together. It blows my mind where we've been. It's not always been easy but he's always been sure that this is where we're meant to be and that, even if it's just for now, that's how it's supposed to be. He's become such an wonderful father. I always knew he would be but he has grown so much more than I think he realizes. There's surprisingly little for us to argue about anymore. Every day is some sort of new adventure. There's no order or routine at all in our household. It's constant chaos but somehow he always finds a way for us to be alone. I can't explain exactly why I love him. I can list the reasons for days; he's a beautiful person, he's gorgeous, he's incredibly smart, he challenges me, he spoils me rotten lol All those are good but it's more this force that draws me to him and it's something I've never felt before with anyone else. He surprises me constantly in so many ways. Even when I feel like I know him or I know everything about him, he throws a total curve. I love it. And I love him more than I could ever put down in words. He makes me laugh and if I had to choose one thing that would keep us in it for the long haul, that would be it. He finds humor in absolutely everything, no matter how dire the circumstance seems to be. He's one of those people that once you meet him, you love him. He makes your life better just by being in it. There aren't many of those walking around nowadays. Sometimes I can't believe how blessed I am."