Sunday, September 21, 2008


I've gone from a severe sore throat and speechlessness to full on plague. I mean PLAGUE. Everyday something new hurts or I get a new symptom. I can't remember the last time I was this sick and it wasn't related to accident after-effects. Growing up, I had an immune system of steel. Everyone around me could get sick but I wouldn't. I had the chicken pox and I had the flu maybe twice and that was it. The accident sent my system all screwy and now it's not as strong as it used to be but I still don't get sick much. When I do, it seems like it's always related to my lungs in some way. I used to have asthma as a kid but I outgrew it and it completely went away last year. But when my lungs choose to turn against me, they mean business. I thought I'd be over this by now, I was supposed to go to a work function tonight but I pulled out yesterday because I just didn't think I'd be well. Last night, I felt better and I felt like I was clearing and then by the time I went to bed, I felt like crap again. So I slept for about two hours and then jumped up at 3 a.m. hacking up a lung out of nowhere. That lasted a half hour and then I was up again at 6 with the same thing. Finally, I slept for three hours this morning soundly. And woke up all stuffy. But my throat no longer hurts, on the upside. Breathing has become a major chore. I wish I could just sleep through the entire thing, but every time I sleep I start coughing. On another note, my best friend since birth is this close to moving overseas...don't know how I feel about that yet. I'll explain it all when I get well (soon, hopefully).