Monday, November 24, 2014


G: Why did you text me a picture of your ugly mug?
Me: Because you wanted to see the final product at the end of Movember.
G: You shaved this month so it doesn't count.
Me: No, I didn't. 
G: didn't shave for a month and THAT'S the final result?
Me: Yes...shut up.
G: LOL. You look like you haven't shaved in a week, not a month. What, did it just refuse to grow after the first week?
Me: lol Fuck you. I told you I'd never be able to grow a long ass beard.
G: Tip: When you forget to water your Chia pet, it stops growing. And then looks like that.
Me: LOL. I hate you. I'm going to shave so I look presentable for the holiday.
G: That shouldn't take long. Better that then the turkey laughing at your high school facial hair.
Me: lol Hey, my facial hair was much more questionable in high school. You've seen those pictures.
G: lol Good point.