Tuesday, November 4, 2014

The Wisdom Of The Ages

The Christmas tree at the family home has handmade ornaments for everyone in the family, both those still here and those who came before. We're adding three new ones to the tree this year; DMC's wife, the gay cousin's husband and my cousin's just arrived little man, JJ. Crazy Aunt is helping make the ornaments this year and...well...

Crazy Aunt: I have to make an ornament for the baby.
Me: Ok. Thanks for sharing.
Crazy Aunt: So what does he like?
Me: lol What?
Crazy Aunt: I have to put pictures and things on it, so what does he like?
Me: Well, he's about eight hours old and he's had nurses fawning all over him most of that time, so I've yet to pick his brain on whether he prefers pina coladas or getting caught in the rain.
Crazy Aunt: Don't be such a smartass. I just don't know what to put on his ornament.
Me: How about, "Baby's First Christmas"?
Crazy Aunt: Oooooh, you're really good!
Me: Yes. I just invented that phrase right now. Oooooh, aaaaaaah.
Crazy Aunt: Oh hush! Don't sing that Pina Colada Song to that baby. It's not for kids.
Me: You went on an extended rant about vaginas in front of Miss N just weeks ago!
Crazy Aunt: That's different. She's almost a woman now.
Me: She's 6!
Crazy Aunt: I meant in dog years.
Me: LOL. You know, it's a shame you didn't have more kids you could impart your glorious wisdom on.
Crazy Aunt: lol You'll carry on my legacy, I'm sure.