Thursday, November 6, 2014

Mancrush Thursday

MOC has been dating Gio for almost five months now. To my surprise, she's been very cautious this time around and has kept me in the loop the entire time, a first for us. As has been documented here (to the point where Crazy Aunt really urged me to "be gay and marry Gio" and a BFF said, "Two bucks says you'll knock Miss N over running to say hi to him first), I am a fan of the dude. As ya'll know, I try my best not to say anything offensive (lol Yeah, that sentence made me giggle too because it's a lie, but I digress), however my first comment to MOC upon meeting her man was how on earth did she land him. Don't get me wrong, she's gorgeous and a great person, but this dude is like outta most people's leagues. Straight from Italy, ridic good-looking, talented as all hell and just the nicest dude. But still, she decided to be extra cautious and make sure they felt the same way about each other before introducing her to Miss N. With the holidays around the corner, we realized that we'll be spending a lot more time together as we'd already decided MOC and Miss N would come home with me for Thanksgiving. It seemed like the time was now for Gio to meet everyone and figure out if he really wants to be a part of the madness for the long haul. I have to say it's quite refreshing to not have any qualms about MOC's boyfriend being introduced to our girl. Usually there's some reason or another for trepidation, but not this time. Gio and Miss N are going to meet over the weekend and, hopefully, they'll get along. If all goes well, he'll also be heading home with us for the Turkey Day festivities, which are the true test as to whether anyone is a keeper. Survive Thanksgiving with my clan, and you can survive anything, yo.
A friend of mine expressed how happy she is that MOC and I have found our happy place as a family. There were some major touch and go moments there for way too long, but now we have this great friendship and are able to be happy for each other. Yeah, the road was rough but now I know I'm pretty lucky to have landed in the situation I'm in. It's a non-traditional family that will hopefully grow as I find someone to share my life with and maybe have more kids (and lemme tell you, nothing sends you back and forth about having more kids than when the one you already have starts to get mouthy). It's really something to look up from all the bitterness and fighting and realize, "Hey...I like you and we could be great friends". Whilst we wait on the meet up report, here is a fantastic conversation between MOC and I.

Me: Don't take this the wrong way...but how the hell did you land him, dude?
MOC: I know, right?! I wish I had a school reunion coming up, I'd ride him into that room like a parade float.
Me: LOL. May I suggest a, "Suck it bitches!" banner on the front of the float?
MOC: LMAO. God, yes. That one bitch who teased me for being a mutt...ooooooh, I would love to show her what this mutt ended up with.
Me: Macy's Parade, here we come!
MOC: Hell, next reunion I have, I'm bringing you, Miss N and Gio. "Look who I've done since high school while you were sleeping with your boring white bread high school sweetheart.". I might work details of the sex into the convo too, so be ready lol.
Me: LOL. Um...I think I'm busy that night, soooo...
MOC: lol Oh, no you don't. You will go to this reunion (which will probably be like my fiftieth at this point, so keep your looks) and you will brag about me!
Me: NEVER!!!!
MOC: I'll let you stare at Gio while you talk me up...
Me: Well...maybe.
MOC: LOL. And absolutely no shame about your mancrush, either.
Me: No ma'am lol.