Thursday, June 18, 2015

Started From The Bottom...And Didn't Really Make It Much Farther

Oh, how I love days that begin with such promise and then quickly go downhill. I had to be up early this morning and my internal clock decided I should get up a full hour before I needed to, which wasn't too terrible. I only got like five hours of sleep, which is my minimum for being able to function like a human being, but I still started the day in a good mood. The problem with getting up mofo early is that your body thinks it's later in the day than it actually is, so at 10 this morning I felt like it was 1 in the afternoon. I took the opportunity to rest a bit since I'm still recovering from my ear issues, and that killed time until dinner with the family. Dinner was great, but after dinner I got some annoying news on the work front. Once I got home I decided to try one more time to replace my iPod battery since it'd gotten to a point where it only holds a charge for about 45 minutes. I tried doing this awhile back but couldn't get the damn metal case to open so I abandoned ship. And I should've left it there, but noooo, I had to try again like an idiot. In doing so, one of the tools I was using to pry it open slipped and damaged the screen, leaving a giant burn mark across it. So that was cool. If you know me, you know my iPod be like air yo. I only got an 80gb Classic late last year, literally a month before they went off the market altogether and the ones left became mofo expensive. Yes, my phone plays music and has all my music on it thanks to an SD card, but it's just not the same. I had been all kindsa careful with the iPod because I knew it was irreplaceable. The upside of this is that I can now have the battery replaced by a professional (at four times the cost of doing it myself, which I could do with the old version of the iPod, but I digress) while the screen is replaced, and it's not going to cost an arm and a leg. The downside is that I broke it to begin with, and that it'll probably be a week or so before I get it back. In the meantime, I'm using a 4gb iPod Nano that holds about five minutes worth of songs and has a shaky battery life itself (don't know what's wrong with its battery, it charges fine sometimes and other times it doesn't seem to recognize it's connected to a charger). But it's better than nothing. And here's some irony. I replaced my old 30gb iPod because the headphone jack went out and I needed more space anyway, but I kept the old one just in case with the intention of fixing it in case I ever needed a backup. And then it became one of those, "Oh yeah, I should do that" kinda things that you never get around to, and then iPod's went away and all the parts for them either shot up in price or were also discontinued. It would've been five bucks to buy that part for the last year that I've been meaning to do it, now it's fifteen. Lesson learned, yo. To top off my interesting day, I'm now having some kind of allergic reaction to I don't know what and I have hives all over my arm and it itches like crazy. *sigh* Life is funny, kids. But it is never not entertaining. I hope the week flies by and my beloved Titanic (that's my iPod's name, don't hate) is syncing again very soon.