Sunday, September 27, 2015

Don't Think I'm Being Funny When I Say You Got Just What You Deserved

Karma is a bitch. A few years back, my cousin A was about to go ring shopping to propose to his girlfriend of almost 7 years. A is more like my brother, we talk incessantly during the day and hang out every chance we get. Somehow, his girlfriend caught wind of the proposal and made it clear she wasn't ready for that, a line she had given him many times before. She was younger by about four years and said she wanted to build up a career before she entered a marriage. While A was still reeling from her saying she didn't want to get hitched, he also confirmed a long held suspicion that she'd had an affair with a co-worker (the co-worker thought they were broken up at the time) and he finally cut her loose for good. He took the breakup extremely hard, but knew he had no other choice. And then five minutes after they broke up, she married someone else. Most of us believed the reason behind the quickie marriage was some sort of diss to A and how she was ready to marry, but just didn't want to marry him. Mom thinks it was some kind of weird remorseful thing where she wanted him to hear of the engagement and have him come running back to beg her to marry him instead. When he didn't, she went through with the marriage anyway for whatever reason. No matter the plan, or if there was a plan at all, it backfired in grand fashion. A took the chance to totally wash his hands of her once she got hitched and it was the first step to his moving on.
I don't like to gloat, and I never kick someone when they're down, but I have very little sympathy for A's ex. She fucked with him and then fucked him over and I saw what all of that did to him. It took at least a year for him to come out of it and even then, it sort of shut off the part of him that wanted to be married and have kids and be in love. His ex flew right under my radar and had me believing she was a decent person, which pisses me off. And I was pissed off to hear that A and the ex had a little conversation last night, until I heard what they discussed. As it turns out, her husband has been cheating on her almost from the start of the marriage and she just found out about it. She ran to A all in tears, talking about how she should divorce the husband but, if she does, might A wanna try things again. He had to stop himself from laughing before saying, "Heeeeeelllll NO". He handled it very, very well actually, which is impressive since he can sometimes be a bit of a pushover (which I'm sure is something she was counting on him still being). The way he told her to fuck off sounds epic and I wish I could've been there to see it firsthand. If she divorces the husband, it'll be after less than three years of marriage. How pathetic. The best part is A and his awesome girlfriend, AK, are on the verge of becoming engaged. AK, knowing of what a toll the last relationship took on A, said she'd get engaged to him right now and announce that ish all over social media so the ex could see. Childish? Yes. But I know the feeling. Perhaps the ex will learn a valuable lesson from all this. You don't get to fuck up somebody the way she did A and get to live happily ever after. What goes around comes around, ya'll.