Sunday, September 13, 2015

It's My Party, I'll Assault You If I Want To

AK: Then she says she wouldn't come to one of my parties because it'd be lame. Bitch please, my parties are fantastic. Yahtzee and shit.
AK: You'd come to one of my parties, right?
Me: Yes. Yes I would. And if you threw that party and invited everyone you knew, you would see the biggest gift would be from me.
AK: And the card attached would say?
Me: Thank you for being a friennnnnnd *sun sets over the hen house*
AK: LOL. That was inspired. If you were invited to one of my parties, it'd be as entertainment 
Me: lol I could sing at your party
AK: Sing...that's cute lol. I meant "entertainment"
Me: LOL. I don't provide such services
AK: You will if you're invited to my party, like it or not.
Me: So Yahtzee, huh?
AK: lol Awww, it's cute how being objectified and treated like nothing more than the manwhore you are makes you uncomfortable
Me: LOL Yahtzee.

Always a pleasure, AK. Even when the only reason we speak is so you can rib me for your pleasure.